Datacenter Virtualization Startups – Nominate your startup!

Startup50 and Network World are launching another “Hot Startups to Watch” competition.

Our most recent competition, Hot Business Continuity Startups to Watch, published last week. If you’re curious about how I choose the startups to feature in each roundup, my methodology is available here.

Now, we’re turning our attention to the heart of the datacenter, seeking Datacenter Virtualization Startups to Watch. Datacenter virtualization includes any datacenter tech being virtualized, compute, storage, apps, etc.

10 Hot Datacenter Virtualization Startups to Watch – The Details

To be eligible, the startup must:

  • Have been founded in 2012 or later.
  • Be a real startup. No subsidiaries, spin-outs, or business units “run like a startup.”
  • Focus on datacenter virtualization, not other types of virtual experiences, such as VR. I’m looking for server, storage, app virtualization, etc.

Deadline: EOD, Wednesday, November 7, 2018.