Moving Markets – How to Create Thought Leadership that Ignites Change

The goal of every startup is so common it has become a cliché: “we’re going to change the world!” Unfortunately, few ever do.

When you look at tech behemoths – Alphabet, Docker, Meta, Salesforce, etc. – you do indeed find disruptive change. These once-obscure startups have succeeded at innovating technologies, challenging the status quo, and redefining markets.

Startups know they must not only innovate, but they must also move markets in order to beat incumbents, and one of the key attributes that separates the winners from the also-rans is effective thought leadership. Going from scrappy startup to viable challenger to market leader requires a lot more than simply building a better mouse trap. In order to change markets, you must first change minds.

Sign up below for Moving Markets updates, and we’ll send you Jeff’s in-depth writing, publishing, and promoting thought leadership checklist!

Why strategic thought-leadership content is the cornerstone of change

The trouble is that creating effective thought leadership takes time and expertise and a whole lot of both –and, no, generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Bard, and, have not changed that fact. To pose a real threat to industry incumbents, startups must convince industry influencers, gatekeepers, and potential buyers that what they offer is not only a successful alternative to the status quo, but also one that it is enough of an improvement to justify all of the headaches that accompany change.

Strategic thought leadership requires subject matter experts, content experts, and editorial experts. It requires an understanding of the psychology of change and a good grasp on what makes the status quo sticky. Effective thought leadership demands a deep understanding of your prospects’ problems and aspirations, and if you can manage all of that, then and only then will you have the necessary tools in your arsenal to start creating the compelling stories that change minds and, eventually, markets.

Typical CEOs who tackle this chore on their own spend hours upon hours crafting stories that, to put it charitably, fall flat. Even if you manage to publish your story (because everyone needs content these days), will anyone read it? And if they do read beyond the headline, will the story walk them through the mental steps and emotional triggers required for change?

How to change minds, so you can move markets

In the coming weeks, Startup50 will launch a Moving Markets Thought Leadership Group. We’ll explore effective thought leadership tactics and strategies, while also mapping out pitfalls to avoid.

If you would like to learn more about how to develop the type of thought leadership content that helps successful startups move markets, sign up for our free newsletter to learn more today!

When you sign up, we’ll send you Jeff’s in-depth thought leadership process checklist. The checklist walks you through, point by point, the entire thought leadership writing and publishing process, from brainstorming and drafting to generating more ideas via AI to publishing and promotions. Sign up to get your copy today!