Seeking IoT/Edge Security Startups

Update: This competition is closed to new entries. Stay tuned for the final lineup. . .

Update #2: The final story is now available on Network World. Thanks to all of the startups that participated in the competition, and congratulations to the 10 winners! 10 Hot IoT security startups to watch

Nominate your startup for my Network World “Hot Startups to Watch” story!

If you work for, represent, or have invested in an IoT/Edge security startup that you believe should be a “Hot Startup to Watch” in 2019, please fill out this Hot Startup Questionnaire.

To be eligible, the startup must:

  • Have been founded in 2012 or later.
  • Be a real startup. No subsidiaries, spin-outs, or business units “run like a startup.”
  • Focus on IoT/Edge security as part of your core mission or have quantum computing as a key piece of your value proposition.

Deadline for nominations: 1 PM PT, Friday, March 22, 2019

IoT and Edge Security Startups: nominate your startup for Jeff Vance's Hot Startups to Watch roundup for @NetworkWorld. Deadline for nominations: 1 PM PT, 3/22/1 Share on X

Based on data from previous roundups, this in-depth survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete, so don’t put this off and risk missing out on the chance to have your startup featured in Network World!