What they do: Provide mobile behavioral biometrics.
Problem they solve: As mobile devices become more integral parts of our daily lives, security risks begin to escalate. M-commerce, mobile payments, and in-app purchases all present risks. Meanwhile, for most users, mobile authentication is a tedious patchwork of different user names, passwords, one-time codes, and biometrics.
That’s a toxic cocktail heavy on risk with only a dash of protection.
#Big50-2017 #cybersecurity #startup SecuredTouch uses behavioral biometrics to provide continuous mobile authentication. Share on XHow they solve it: Unlike conventional authentication methods which rely on passwords, device fingerprinting or geo-location, SecuredTouch focuses primarily on the user. SecuredTouch creates a unique profile for each user by collecting and analyzing more than 100 physical behavior parameters, such as user finger pressure, finger size, and touch coordinates.
Using machine-learning algorithms, user behavior is continuously validated against a unique user profile, allowing for real-time identity verification behind the scenes. The software also provides continuous authentication throughout the session, not just on login.
Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel
CEO: Yair Finzi. Prior to co-founding SecuredTouch, Yair served as head of the cybersecurity department in the Intelligence Corps of the Israel Defense Forces.
Year Founded: 2014
Funding: $3.5 million. The RDC fund led SecuredTouch’s first round of funding. Eshbol Ventures, Wellborn Ventures, and Swarth Group funds also participated.
Competitors include: IBM Trusteer, Telesign, Biocatch, Behaviosec, and NuData.
Customers include: LeumiCard
Why they’re in the Big 50-2017: SecuredTouch did well in online voting, and they aced the content challenge. We’re also bullish on the mobile behavioral biometrics niche. Mobile commerce is growing rapidly, yet fragmented security and authentication throttles it back. Adding an extra security layer such as this that boosts security in the background, without burdening end users, is a boon.